溶质-技术 & IT解决方案

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创建: 2023年2月13日

更新: 2024年3月15日

ID: 315286

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $14.10/mo

41万件| 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | 支持 加入下载此项目  免费
溶质-技术 & IT解决方案Wordpress主题-功能图片1溶质-技术 & IT解决方案Wordpress主题-功能图片2

Solute is a 现代 and professional WordPress theme designed for 技术 and solution-based 业务es. It offers a clean and sleek design with a focus on showcasing 技术 服务, 和解决方案. 主题具有响应式布局, 简单的定制选项, 以及各种预先构建的页面, 包括主页, 关于页面, 服务页面, 联系页面. 它还包括一系列强大的功能, 比如自定义小部件, 短码, and integration with popular plugins like Elementor and 联系 Form 7. Whether you're looking to create a website for a 技术 公司, IT咨询公司, 或者软件开发业务, Solute provides a solid foundation for your online presence.

Solute Technology WordPress Theme comes with the following features:

响应设计: 该主题针对所有屏幕尺寸和设备进行了优化, ensuring a seamless viewing experience for your visitors on desktop, 平板电脑, 或移动.

可定制的主页: The theme provides multiple options to create a unique and attractive homepage that showcases your 技术 products, 服务, 和解决方案.

预先构建的页面: The theme comes with several pre-built pages including About, 服务, 联系, 和更多的, making it easier to set up your website and get started quickly.

强大的主题选项: The theme provides a range of options to control and customize various elements of your website, 比如颜色, 字体, background, 和更多的.

自定义小部件: 该主题包括几个自定义小部件, 比如推荐信, 服务, 最近的帖子, 您可以使用它为您的站点添加功能.

商家: The theme includes a variety of 短码 that you can use to add elements such as buttons, 列, 和更多的, 到你的页面和帖子.

与流行插件的集成: The theme integrates with popular plugins like WooCommerce and 联系 Form 7, allowing you to add an online store or contact form to your site with ease.

快速和轻量级: 主题针对速度和性能进行了优化, 确保您的网站加载速度快,运行平稳.

These features make Solute Technology an excellent choice for 技术 and solution-based 业务es looking to create a professional and effective website.



  • 新增主页6页;
  • 在服务箱中增加了字体awesome;
  • 在标题中添加菜单搜索切换的主题选项;
  • 修复了与字符串转义相关的安全问题;
  • 更改了标头代码和重新排列的代码;
  • Improved 响应 issue of 投资组合 section in small device;
  • 为小型设备的响应菜单添加主题选项; -Added template part f或移动 menu, located template-parts/ header-layout/mobile-menu.php;


漂亮的网站! Theres a few quirks but easily manageable with the support of the creator. 安装是干净、快速和容易的.
谢谢你的溢美之词! We're thrilled to hear that you find our site beautiful and that the installation process was smooth for you. 我们感谢您对怪癖的反馈, 请放心, 我们一直在努力改善用户体验.
简单的数据配置和每个新数据(来吧), Soprattutto grazie是对作者的支持. Easy to set up even for a newbie (like me), especially thanks to the great support from the author.
感谢你的千百万分感谢! Siamo felici di sapere che hai trovato la configurazione del nostro prodotto facile da fare, 我看到了一个新的联合国. Il nostro obiettivo è assicurare che l'esperienza di utilizzo sia accessibile a tutti, indipendentemente dal livello di familiarità con il prodotto, e il supporto è sempre a disposizione per aiutarti in ogni fase del processo.
超级产品易于使用,作者是最好的. 他是他的产品背后,并给予超级协助.
非常感谢您精彩的评论! 我们很高兴您发现我们的产品非常容易使用, and it's fantastic to hear that you appreciate the level of support provided by the author.
Este proyecto no funciona como yo quiero, aquí está el diseño fijo. 没有consigo que cambie. 没有可能diseñar como me gusta. 我比较了一下我们的时间,perdí我的时间比美元多. Le dedique mucho tiempo a este tema pero no funciono es muy triste para mi
我为我在乌克兰的IT公司的网站选择了这个主题. 溶质模板在数百个模板中脱颖而出. I really liked the design of the menu, especially the colors that matched our logo. 当我开始做网站的时候, 我遇到了一些技术问题, but the author UrnoIT was incredibly quick in helping me fix everything! 为此我非常感谢他! Even when I had to almost completely redo the mobile menu, he did it very quickly! 整体, the Solute theme offers a wide range of design options and website capabilities. One of the new features for me was the demo site import plugin, which was very convenient. 我也很欣赏使用元素插件, which allows for quick creation of multiple pages with similar content. Solute is well optimized f或移动 devices, which is very relevant in our time. I wish UrnoIT, the author, to continue creating such amazing templates! 我给作者《og体育首存活动》打5分(满分5星)!
非常感谢您对我们产品的好评! We're thrilled to hear that our Solute WordPress theme was a great fit for your IT 公司's website. We're especially glad to hear that you found the design of the menu and its colors matched your logo and that you were able to get quick and helpful technical support from UrnoIT.


Hi 神奇的男人, 伟大的设计, especially the mouse moving affect but i want to clear the confusion before purchasing if i start redesigning the site would it affect my current position in google site url is fsginspections.com
你好! 重新设计你的网站可以影响你的谷歌排名, 但如果操作得当, 它不应该有持久的负面影响. 确保平稳过渡, 遵循网站重新设计的最佳实践, 例如维护相同的URL结构, 对任何更改的url实现301重定向, 优化新的内容进行SEO. 谷歌重视用户体验, so improvements in design and functionality can potentially boost your site's ranking. 然而, 在重新设计后对网站进行监控是至关重要的, 及时解决任何问题, 并向谷歌提交更新后的站点地图. 整体, 精心策划和执行, you can enhance your website without significantly affecting your current position on Google. 祝你的重新设计顺利!




4.6 /5
支持度评分(23日评级) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 20 4 1 3 0 2 0 1 2
响应时间: This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
支持Maverik 支持Maverik







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